Associated wineries
Associated wineries

The protagonists of Nebbiolo delle Alpi

All the associated producers of Consorzio di tutela dei vini di Valtellina, all the addresses and useful contacts.

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Dal Lago di Como alle vigne della Valtellina, AgriLu integra la sua attività agricola ed agroturistica con la produzione di vino grazie ai vigneti coltivati in Maroggia e Grumello.  L'uva raccolta è trasformata nella cantina di Poggiridenti, nel cuore del vecchio paese, dove giace un torchio del 1881, logo identificativo della cantina stessa. Un procedimento senza forzature, è la natura a fare la sua evoluzione, regalandoci piacevoli sorprese ad ogni annata.

  • via San Fedele, 4 - 23020 Poggiridenti
  • T. +39 333 3053334


Love for the territory, passion for agriculture and profound respect for natural heritage are the values that drive the family-run winery led by Daniele Andreoli. Its viticulture and wine-making run along the self-made productions that are typical and traditional, focused on offering the ultimate food&wine experience and true to the pure soul of the Valtellina territory. The winery follows an organic production method aimed at promoting food health and protecting the local biodiversity.

  • via Gatti, 95 - 23010 Berbenno di Valtellina
  • T. +39 334 3548909


Isabella, Emanuele and Guido Pellizzati are the heirs of the historical cellar founded by their father Arturo. Despite its renewed look it remains the spokesman of Valtellina style which characterizes the long process of wood and bottle aging along with the expressivity of Nebbiolo.

  • via Buon Consiglio, 4 - 23100 Sondrio
  • T. +39 0342 214120


Ascesa is a brand new project of four friends fascinated by Valtellina and by the elegance of Nebbiolo grape which is cultivated on our terraces.They have carried on the challenge of managing some small plots of land between Sassella and Grumello since 2018.

  • via Ribolatti, 42 - 23020 Tresivio
  • T. +39 340 4132048


This company is considered the ambassador of Maroggia. In the heart of this area in Berbenno, Matteo Tarotelli carries on a reality that is, above all, keeper and protagonist of the renovation and valorization of those terraces rescued from abandonment.

  • via Adua, 121 - 23010 Berbenno
  • T. +39 0342 598022
  • T. +39 338 5851434

Balgera Vini

This reality is deeply rooted in the history of wine and Valtellina tradition. Paolo Balgera, together with his sons, is the head of a company whose origins date back to the end of 1800 and passed from generation to generation. The company stands out for long aging processes.

  • via M. Quadrio, 26 - 23030 Chiuro
  • T. +39 0342 482203


Michele Silvestri and Patrick Paruscio, both in their thirties, are the protagonists of this small business, founded a few years ago thanks to the curiosity and passion for Valtellinese wine. They both manage different plots of land where their wines Rosso di Valtellina Doc and Valtellina Superiore Docg are produced.

  • via Casello, 7 - 23010 Albosaggia
  • T. +39 348 4149313

F.lli Bettini

This winery is considered one of the most historical in Valtellina. It’s based at the foot of the terraces of Valgella and it’s where an important portion of vineyards is distributed, in addition to the ones managed by the historic partners. F.lli Bettini is run by three brothers: Cinzia, Ornella and Pietro.

  • via Nazionale, 68 - 23036 S. Giacomo di Teglio
  • T. +39 0342 786068

Cà Bianche

In 2007 Davide Bana decided to renew two hectares of his family’s land near Tirano located at an altitude of 700 meters. This is the place where he decided to start his personal adventure among the vineyards and Valtellinian wine. Wines come out after a long process of aging both in barrel and in bottle.

  • via Santo Stefano, 15 - 23037 Tirano
  • T. +39 339 2045524

Caven Camuna

Stefano and Simone Nera started their winery in 1982, hardened by a strong family tradition. The name takes inspiration from the village of Teglio, land of terraces and vineyards but also famous for its archeological finds. Besides the territory of Valgella, the company owns 30 hectares of territory distributed along the main subzones.

  • via Stelvio, 40 A - 23030 Chiuro
  • T. +39 0342 482631

Fratelli Cerasa - Le Case dei Baff

A winery that is first and foremost a farmhouse and inn with catering. Starting from this identity linked to hospitality, The Cerasa family produces its own wine, obtained from a vineyard they own in the village of Ardenno.

  • via Dei Mulini, 9 - 23011 Ardenno
  • T. +39 0342 661045
  • T. +39 339 3744037

Contadi Gasparotti

Luca Gasparotti represents a generation of young people that decided to carry on the family business. Very close to Tirano, in the last few years the company has invested heavily in wine production, in the construction of the cellar and in the management of a wine bar near some historic rows of apple trees. Among the vineyards, which are partially mechanically facilitated, it’s possible to spot some international grape varieties.

  • via Santa Maria, 21 - 23037 Tirano
  • T. +39 0342 702619
  • T. +39 347 7098205

Conti Sertoli Salis

The first bottle of this historic brand from Tirano dates back to 1881. The strong bond with the wine and the local viticulture is confirmed by the success of the current business which permitted the purchase of part of the grapes and the wine production.

  • via Stelvio, 18 - 23037 Tirano
  • T. +39 0342 710404

Coop. Agricola Triasso e Sassella

A small cooperative business animated by four business partners united by the desire to safeguard and give voice to the small village of Triasso. Their cellar is a stone maze and is the spokesman of an essential production exclusively linked to Sassella.

  • vicolo Oria, 11B - 23100 Sondrio
  • T. +39 335 8486734
  • T. +39 345 5274823


Dirupi is a dynamic business run by Pierpaolo di Franco and Davide Fasolini, best known as Birba and Faso. Their brand new activity started in 2004, from the acquisition of some rented land, followed by a gradual but continuous investment both in the land, in the cellar and in agronomic management, exclusively organic since 2011.

  • via S.Carlo - 23026 Ponte in Valtellina
  • T. +39 347 2909779
  • T. +39 349 3627973


Pier Gian Loli, the new face of the Valtellinese wine scene. 2020 was the starting point of his professional career, when the passion for the mountain and Nebbiolo grape met and gave life to his cellar. One hectare of organic vines in the heart of Sassella, in the locality of Baffo.

  • via Del Gesù, 7 - 23100 Sondrio
  • T. +39 0342 511932
  • T. +39 393 9011707

Luca Faccinelli

Luca Faccinelli is one of the passionate protagonists of the wave of the new small businesses of Valtellina. He runs his plots of land in Sassella and in the area of Dossi Salati, in the heart of Grumello, where the vineyards have been the protagonists for over eighty years. The cellar is a stone maze located in the old town of Chiuro.

  • via Medici, 3/a - 23030 Chiuro
  • T. +39 347 0807011

Sandro Fay

Sandro Fay has been an iconic protagonist of Valgella and of the retraining of this part of Valtellina since the 80’s. His work focuses on the enhancing of individual vine. Nowadays the family business is run by his sons, Marco and Elena.

  • via Pila Caselli, 1 - 23036 S. Giacomo di Teglio
  • T. +39 0342 786071

Marco Ferrari

Marco is a wine-maker with an inner passion both for the land and the wine. He runs, according to the dictates of organic farming, two hectares of vineyard, with the aim of producing wines which reflect the numerous terroirs of Valtellina. The cellar is located in Montagna in Valtellina.

  • via Panoramica, 2387 - 23020 Montagna in Valtellina
  • T. +39 349 1051752


Forty micro plots of land for a total of 9 hectares distributed on the subzones of Valgella and Inferno.The business is run by Franco Folini along with his tireless father Renato. Besides their passion for wine, the family manages a farmhouse and an educational farm.

  • via Stazione, 2 - 23030 Chiuro
  • T. +39 0342 483513
  • T. +39 340 0955803

Fondazione Fojanini

Fondazione Fojanini is the centre for the valorization and the empowerment of the applied research in agricultural disciplines as well as technical assistance of Provincia di Sondrio. In addition to this important role, Fondazione Fojanini runs La Castellina winery that produces wine on a territory of ten hectares in the heart of Sassella.

  • via Valeriana, 32 - 23100 Sondrio
  • T. +39 0342 512954
  • T. +39 0342 513391

Il Gabbiano Cooperativa Sociale

Il Gabbiano is a social cooperative operating on several fronts, including providing young people in difficult situations with jobs in the vines.Thanks to the technical support of Nino Negri, il Gabbiano manages to produce some wines, obtained from their own vineyards distributed on different production areas.

  • via Bonfadini, 11 - 23100 Sondrio
  • T. +39 0342 200844
  • T. +39 349 0767567

Giorgio Gianatti

Considered as one of the fathers of Grumello, Giorgio Gianatti has carried on his small business in the village of Ca’ Paini since 1980. He has lately completed the renovation of the historic stone cellar.

  • via dei Portici, 82 - 23020 Montagna in Valtellina
  • T. +39 0342 380033
  • T. +39 328 5682299

Involt Agnelot

La società agricola Involt "Agnelot" nasce nel 2015 basandosi sul rispetto della tradizione locale e sullo stretto legame con il territorio Valtellinese: a partire dal nome in dialetto, che rimanda alle origini della loro famiglia. L’azienda gestisce 6 ettari di vigneto che si estende tra i 500 e i 700 metri di altitudine nel comune di Bianzone, nel quale vengono coltivati Nebbiolo e altri vitigni autoctoni.

  • Via Nazionale, 28 - 23030 Villa di Tirano
  • T. +39 348 9232292

La Grazia

Paolo Oberti and his family started their wine project in 2012. Their cellar is located in the buildings within the historic Cartiera di Tirano, while the vineyards are situated on small plots of land, some of them, at an altitude of 1000 m.

  • via del Progresso, 7 - 23037 Tirano
  • T. +39 348 6707071

Marino Lanzini

The family of Marino Lanzini has always been linked to the agricultural world of Valtellina. In 2015 the family decided to restore an old cellar in the old town of Ponte and to start a production obtained from two hectares of property.

  • via S. Ignazio, 2 - 23026 Ponte in Valtellina
  • T. +39 320 0989012

Bruno Leusciatti

Bruno Leusciatti has run the company for three generations. It is a business which is deeply rooted in the culture of wine and terracing. The vineyards are situated along the territory of Sassella. At the same time the company is investing in research and the maintenance of its vineyards heritage, conducting its own nursery.

  • via Valeriana, 10 - 23100 Sondrio
  • T. +39 0342 212916
  • T. +39 333 8014187

Alessio Magi

Alessio Magi is a new face in the world of small wine producers. After restoring the old stone family cellar in 2011 he decided to restart this activity in the area of Valgella and he managed to obtain his first label.

  • via Branchi, 48 - 23036 Teglio
  • T. +39 328 2626498

Alberto Marsetti

Alberto Marsetti has been running this company localized in the old town of Sondrio since 1986. It was conducted first by his father and even earlier by his grandfather. The property stands compactly in the heart of Grumello where Le prudenze vineyard stands out.

  • via Scarpatetti, 15 - 23100 Sondrio
  • T. +39 0342 216329
  • T. +39 339 5367388

Walter Menegola

Walter Menegola combined his familiar restaurant business with an essential production obtained by his own vineyards, of which a part centenary. The property is situated in the westernmost part of Sassella.

  • via Vanoni, 16 - 23012 Castione Andevenno
  • T. +39 334 3699971

Pietro Misani

With a past linked to tobacco processing and trading the Misani family confirmed its history is rooted in Valtellina and Val Poschiavo. Viticulture is nowadays the main activity run by the sixth generation and represented by Pietro. Besides wine, the company produces grappa in its own distillery.

  • via Cantonale, 288 - 7743 Brusio (CH)
  • T. +41 794 575215

Renato Motalli

A company where tradition and a strong dedication to work are felt. Renato Motalli represents the current generation and carries on the small family cellar with the same devotion of the past. Two hectares of historic land plots are situated in Valgella, in a particular area called Vigneti di Spina.

  • via Ravoledo, 5 - 23036 S. Giacomo di Teglio
  • T. +39 0342 785020
  • T. +39 347 2955478

Alfio Mozzi

Alfio Mozzi, with a past as a blacksmith, has carried on his viticulture activity since 1998. His activity takes place in a stone cellar, located in Borgata Grigioni, in the heart of Sassella. This is the place where he preserves his land and where he wisely renewed this entire body of terraces originally owned by his family.

  • via Cà Bianca, 19 - 23012 Castione Andevenno
  • T. +39 0342 358670
  • T. +39 339 3707018

I Muretti di Fernando Fumagalli

The name of the company highlights the tight bond with the territory, particularly with the steep terraces where the land plots are located. This small reality, in the province of Monza Brianza and with its soul in Valtellina, it’s run by The Fumagalli family.

  • via Lombardia, 79 - 23888 Rovagnate
  • T. +39 329 2409006

Nino Negri

It’s the most important winery in Valtellina for figures and surface, Nino Negri it’s a property of Gruppo Italiano Vini. It has represented the territory since the end of 19th century for its role of winemaking and reference cellar for hundreds of associated viticulturists. The direction, which has been run by Casimiro Maule for 40 years, it’s nowadays headed by Danilo Drocco.

  • via Ghibellini, 3 - 23030 Chiuro
  • T. +39 0342 485211

Nicola Nobili

Nicola Nobili has run this historic company since 2001. Through the years he learnt how to renew the production, remaining faithful to tradition. The wine heritage is distributed along the Inferno subzone, where the company is located, and in the subzones Sassella and Grumello.

  • via Masoni, 20 - 23020 Poggiridenti
  • T. +39 0342 430262
  • T. +39 340 3027427

La Perla di Marco Triacca

Marco Triacca started his company in 2009, accompanied by his father's experience, who has always been an icon of Valtellina.The core of the company, the cellar, is located among the vineyards of Valgella where three merged hectares of territory are dedicated to Pignolo and Nebbiolo.

  • via Valgella, 29/B - 23036 Tresenda di Teglio
  • T. +39 346 2878894

Pizzo Coca

Lorenzo and Alessandro stepped into the world of Valtellina wine in 2011. In 2012 they started producing his first labels, together with some colleagues. Today the company has its own cellar, situated in the area of the old Latteria di Ponte. The company also produces honey, vegetables and breeds animals.

  • via Piazzi, 8 - 23026 Ponte in Valtellina
  • T. +39 348 1476407
  • T. +39 338 1842652


Plozza is a company with an innovative look, rooted in Tirano and in the neighbouring territory of Switzerland. In addition to being a commercial reality, it is deeply linked to the production of Valtellina wine. It was the first company to trade Sforzato wine in 1946.

  • via Cappuccini, 16 - 23037 Tirano
  • T. +39 0342 701297
  • T. +41 816505050

Mamete Prevostini

Mamete Prevostini runs the family activity together with the management of the historic restaurant in Valchiavenna. The production is based on the attention towards their vines and on the constant acquisition of new ones. The new cellar of Postalesio has the CasaClima Wine certification.

  • via Don P. Lucchinetti, 63 - 23020 Mese
  • T. +39 0343 41522

Aldo Rainoldi

Today the company is run by Aldo Rainoldi, together with his uncle Giuseppe. The origins of the company are linked to a past of production and wine trading. The present is about an endless work of vines qualification, support towards associated wine producers and a production faithful to the elegance of Nebbiolo grape.

  • via Stelvio 128 - 23030 Chiuro
  • T. +39 0342 482225


Radìs is a young company born in Tirano from the collaboration of Alessandro and Stefano: friends and brothers-in-law, both grown up in families of farmers. They are devoted to agricolture and heroic viticolture with the aim of carrying on ancient traditions, helping biodiversity and preserving the territorial heritage.

  • via S.S. dello Stelvio 19 - 23037 Tirano
  • T. +39 347 0428326
  • T. +39 340 4081598

Cantina Riter

L’amore per le vigne di famiglia, nella sottozona dell’inferno e la passione per l’agricoltura, sono i protagonisti della storia di Cantina Riter che sta scrivendo Ludovico Mottolini. Un racconto che parla di biologico, sostenibilità e recupero di una cantina storica nel cuore di Poggiridenti alta, con finale a sorpresa nel bicchiere: il colore, la potenza e la grazia del nebbiolo.

  • Via San Fedele - 23020 Poggiridenti
  • T. +39 340 6327042

Rivetti & Lauro

A project which was born from Catia dell’Orco and Alberto Rivetti’s dream, from the passion for their territory. That investment of ideas gave birth to a brand new project linked to the trading of different types of wine, all produced on the terraces of Valtellina.

  • via Nazionale, 121 - 23030 Villa di Tirano
  • T. +39 335 6688743

Rupi del Nebbiolo

Rupi del Nebbiolo it’s a small cooperative born to support the territory and the work of several wine producers. It’s a reality which is always seeking for people willing to take part in this growth process. The vineyards are distributed from Castione up to Tirano.

  • via Foppa, 17 - 23030 Villa di Tirano
  • T. +39 0342 746518

Sasso Vivo di Guido Bulgarelli

After a degree in Agricultural Science, Guido Bulgarelli founded his company in 2011, inspired by his working experiences around Valtellina and moved by his bond with the territory. His vineyards are exclusively organic and they are situated in the highest part of Grumello, in the area of Dossi Salati.

  • via Nobili, 30 - 23020 Poggiridenti
  • T. +39 347 1150132


Berbenno is the capital of the Maroggia subzone and where the company guards the vineyards and the terraces. Sesterzio is also a farmhouse with restaurant and rooms and is the right place to learn about wine and this area of Valtellina.

  • via Ere, 345 - 23010 Berbenno di Valtellina
  • T. +39 0342 590537
  • T. +39 347 5533162

La Spia di Michele Rigamonti

The company gets its name from a famous rock spour in the heart of Sassella. In 2006 Michele Rigamonti renewed the family property and started the production of the first labels. The wines are mainly produced in the Sassella area but there are also some plots of land in the subzone Inferno.

  • Strada Privata Carlo Buzzi, 78 - 23012 Castione Andevenno
  • T. +39 0342 1892250
  • T. +39 333 5431934

Le Strie

This project was born thanks to the passion and the technical skills of a couple of friends, Paolo and Stefano, together with their wives Luciana e Marisa. The company occupies an hectare of vineyards distributed on two land plots. The first one in Teglio, the second in the Sassella area.

  • via S.Ignazio - 23026 Ponte in Valtellina
  • T. +39 335 1273509
  • T. +39 340 2935760

Tenuta Scerscé

New entry into the world of valtellinese wines, the company was inspired by its founder Cristina Scarpellini. In just a few years this small reality started a meticulous production aimed to enhance the plots of land managed by the company, distributed from Tirano up to the Sassella area.

  • via Lungo Adda V Alpini, 124 - 23037 Tirano
  • T. +39 0342 233580


Triacca is a well-known reality in Valtellina. The company has been engaged in the enhancement of the territory and in trading with Switzerland for over 125 years. Its pioneering role in vineyard management on horizontal terraces is very important. Its headquarters is Tenuta La Gatta, a monastery founded in 1500, shaded by 13 hectares of terraces.

  • via Nazionale, 121 - 23030 Villa di Tirano
  • T. +39 0342 701352
  • T. +39 0342 720004

Pietro Triacca

Pietro and Fabio manage this historic reality thanks to their past as wine traders for the neighbouring Switzerland, where the headquarters of the company is located. Today their commitment is linked to the valorization of their vineyards with an heritage of ten hectares of territory distributed along several subzones of the valley. Among the vines, it’s possible to spot some international varieties.

  • via Cantonale, 191 - 7748 Campascio (CH)
  • T. +41 818465112

I Vinautori

A project based in Switzerland which started in the 90’s from the particular choice to cultivate Sauvignon on some terraces in the area of Tirano. Nowadays the company manages 6 hectares of Nebbiolo, with some space for other varieties.

  • via Cantonale, 191 - 7748 Campascio (CH)
  • T. 0041 818465112

Marcel Zanolari

Marcel Zanolari’s company talks about the commitment to enhance the terraces of Tirano, but also the curiosity in experimenting new techniques both in the vineyard and in the cellar. These 10 hectares of territory cultivated in biodynamics host Nebbiolo, Cabernet, Pinot Nero, Pinot Bianco, Traminer and some resistant vine.The wine are aged in wood, amphorae and concrete.

  • via Teglio, 10 - 23030 Bianzone
  • T. +41 818 443434
  • T. + 39 380 4550129
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